Winter Woods Sky Christmas 5x7 folded card
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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Amarillo and Six Flags

We stopped in Amarillo, our old digs, and saw our old house that Connor and Jaylen lived in. The next day we headed off to Six Flags over Texas. We had an awesome time but it sure was hot. We rode every roller coaster known to man, and then did it again. No one was scared and we went several times. The TITAN is AWESOME. You have to ride it to understand. I've never been that scared or had as much fun as I did on that roller coaster. When we were hot, we would go to a ride called Aquaman. The video shows a walkway where we could stand while the ride came hurtling down an incline and created this huge wave. Connor shot the video while Jaylen, Kate and Dad got soaked.


Rachel said...

So where's Amy? She knows how to avoid getting wet (think Lagoon)! Although it is probably so hot, you'd think everyone would want to get wet!

Riley's 2008 said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast. Just want to let you know we are thinking of you guys. We thought we heard another Raccoon in the tree by our house your old fence, but I guess it was a scare. Who knows what TJ would do since Shane isn't around. Ha Ha! Miss you guys. The Riley's

Lisa said...

Come on Hinckleys! Get bloggin'!!